Automation of solving problems of optimization of parameters of metrological maintenance system of measuring equipment


  • V. Ignatkin
  • S. Alekseyenko
  • M. Gorbiychuk



modeling, metrological service, queuing model, state model of measuring instruments, automated control system


Automation of the metrological service of the enterprise allows to reduce the use of labor to perform tasks of maintenance of measuring equipment and reduce staff errors. At the same time, the process of creating appropriate automated systems requires solving a number of problems related to the need to optimize the parameters of the designed system to ensure its highest efficiency. This article attempts to solve the problem of covering various models in the synthesis and study of simulation computer models that actively use the database of measuring instruments of enterprises. Developed and software implemented a model that allows interactive mode, taking into account the characteristics coming from the calibration laboratories of the service, and given economic and metrological criteria, to determine the values of optimal calibration and repair intervals, the optimal number of inspections in the repair interval and other parameters. The dependence of FTA reliability indicators on the quality of metrological maintenance and repair was investigated by simulation. The influence of inter - repair and inter - calibration intervals on economic efficiency of metrological service is investigated. As a result, the dependences are obtained, which also allow to investigate the influence of service quality parameters on complex reliability indicators. The use of research results allows in the dialog mode of the automated workplace of the metrologist to solve problems of optimization of parameters of metrological service on eco-nomic criteria and restrictions of concrete production on indicators of metrological reliability of measuring instruments, to carry out diagnostics and to forecast metrological reliability of measuring instruments. measurement accuracy and reduce the likelihood of hidden failures.


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