Research of optimal fast-acting systems of automatic control on laboratory bench
лабораторный стенд, тепловой объект, аппаратно-программный комплекс, программируемый логический контроллер, квазиоптимальное управлениеAbstract
Purpose. This paper presents a laboratory bench for research of optimal and quasi-optimal automatic control system in respect of its operation speed. Laboratory bench consists of thermal unit and software and hardware suite which includes VIPA System 200 V and HMI/SCADA logic controller and Zenon Supervisor 7.0 system. Thermal unit is described by differential equation of second order pursuing the control channel “amperage in electric heating unit power converter – air temperature inside thermal unit.” Differential equation coefficients depend on screen position and centrifugal blower rotation frequency. Methodology. Reported the methodology of synthesis and results of calculation of optimal relay hypothesis for thermal unit control through the chosen channel. Were demonstrated the results of experiment in transition of thermal unit from various initial states to final states. Was shown the possibility of implementing optimal control system in respect of its operation speed in real time scale by means of software development by including algorithms for transcendence set of simultaneous equations into it or by means of development of predicative model of thermal unit. Results. Were specified conditions for application of quasi-optimal relay control hypothesis in respect of its operation speed. Reported the methodology of synthesis and results of calculation of the length of the first control interval depending on the predetermined value of readjustment. Were demonstrated the results of modeling of quasi-optimal automatic control system in respect of its operation speed in Simulink of Matlab app. Was established functional relation of the length of the first control interval depending on the predetermined value of readjustment for implementing of quasi-optimal automatic control system in real time scale with application of basic operational units of programmed logic controller.
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