Mathematical model of the stress-strain state of belt with the load of tubular belt conveyer
напряженно-деформированное состояние, сыпучий груз, трубчатый ленточный конвейер, трубчатая лента, роликоопоры, изгибающие моментыAbstract
The article developed a mathematical model of the stress-strain state of a tubular conveyor belt filled with bulk load. In this case, the belt is considered as a thin elastic inextensible cylindrical shell, and the bulk load in the belt is in the limit state. A system of differential equilibrium equations for a tubular belt with a bulk load with respect to forces and bending moments in a belt was obtained, which, when simplified, was reduced to a fourth-order differential equation for belt deflections. Based on this mathematical model, analytical dependencies of the deflections of the tubular conveyor belt on the parameters of the conveyor, the radius and properties of the belt, as well as the properties of the bulk load are obtained and analyzed. As a result, the maximum allowable distance between the roller supports of the tubular conveyor is determined. It was found that the allowable distance between the roller bearings is directly proportional to the tension of the belt and inversely proportional to the square of the radius of the belt and the bulk weight of the load. The research results can be used in the design of tubular belt conveyors transporting bulk load.
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