Algorithm for detecting rounding measures for digital image analysis
С BuilderAbstract
The urgency of the paper is to develop a new approach for quantifying the shape of non-metallic inclusions in steel, in particular sulfides. The aim of the article is to develop an algorithm for detecting a rounding measure for analyzing digital images of the macrostructure of metal templates, namely sulfuric prints. Method. According to the proposed algorithm, the object in the image - a non-metallic inclusion is considered to be close to a circular shape, if the ratio of the circumference of a circle equal in area to a non-metallic inclusion to the length of its contour approaches unity. Results. Testing of the developed algorithm for detecting rounding measures for digital image analysis was carried out using the developed application software. To study the image it must first be converted to binary. Next, the image is processed, as a result of which the user receives information about the number of inclusions and their degree of rounding. The application of the developed algorithm to the array of test images showed the adequacy of the proposed algorithm. The developed algorithm is included in the form of a processor in the ASImprints software for analyzing sulfuric prints. Conclusions. The developed algorithm for detecting the rounding measure for analyzing digital images is based on an intuitive approach. Its application to digital images of the macrostructure of metal templates will allow researchers to obtain microstructural and macrostructural phenomena in the melt to obtain their quantitative estimates.
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