Constructive-synthesizing modeling of the direct current traction power supply system


  • Shynkarenko V.
  • Guda A.
  • Sablin O.
  • Ivanov O.



constructive-synthesizing modeling, direct current traction, formal grammars, constructor, software, information technologies.


A general constructive-synthesizing model of the DC traction power supply section has been developed. The model can be used to solve a number of problems related to reducing electricity consumption in both railway and urban public electric transport. The developed model is focused on determining the availability and nomenclature of traction substation equipment and rational use of recuperation energy. However, it can also be applied to solve other problems related to the designs of the traction power supply system. An example of the formed scheme of a linear power supply section with three substations is given. The presented generalized model allows to form a set of potentially possible schemes of sections of the power supply system, which can serve as the basis for further constructive modeling: traction power supply modes and the state of the power grid, equipment location options and train situation, determination of expert conclusions on the use of recuperation energy on these models, formation of a neuro-fuzzy or neural network of decision-making and, based on them control constructor. The developed modeling method is based on the capabilities of the сonstructive-synthesizing modeling in a new subject area. The terminal alphabet is semantically filled with images of electrical equipment, traction network and electricity consumers with appropriate attributes. The constructive-synthesizing modeling specification has been performed, which allows taking into account a significant number of capabilities and features of modern equipment of traction power supply systems, traction network sections and train situation. The given indi-vidual case of forming a structural diagram demonstrates the capabilities of the constructive-synthesizing modeling in relation to a number of tasks.


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