Modeling of operational reliability of running wheels of overhead cranes of seaports
reliability, resource, wear, working time, power function, correlation coefficient, crane wheel, bridge crane.Abstract
Overhead cranes are widely in operation in sea and river ports for cargo transshipment in open and closed storage areas. Since they are the main link in technological processes, the productivity of Port production lines depends on their reliable and continuous operation. It is known that during the operation of cranes, 90% of the running wheels fail and are replaced with new ones due to intensive wear of the edges, and 60-70% of crane rails due to wear of their side faces. Since the service life is the main indicator of the durability of parts and assemblies, therefore, increasing the installation of wheel life is an urgent task, which will reduce the cost of repair and operation of cranes. As the experience of operation shows, running wheels have the most worn elements of movement mechanisms. Thus, their service life ranges from several months to 2-3 years. This is due to the fact that replacing the wheels is cheaper compared to replacing the crane track. Since the service life is the main indicator of the durability of parts and assemblies, therefore, increasing the installation of wheel life is an urgent task, which will reduce the cost of repair and operation of cranes. Analysis of studies of complex technical systems shows that the reliability of overhead crane mechanisms operated for more than 30 years in the Seaport is not fully understood, the nature of wheel damage depends on the operating conditions. For research, 4 identical overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 10 tons were selected, which operate in Hook mode in seaports. Crane wheels are made of 65g steel by casting. Crane mechanisms were visually examined and wheel wear was measured after 3 months during 4 years of operation. Based on the research results, the parameters of the Wear model from time to time in the form of a step function are calculated. The obtained values of the correlation coefficient indicate that there is a fairly tight relationship between wear and operating time. The average error value for the proposed model does not exceed 6.1%, which is quite acceptable for engineering calculations. It is established that the service life of Crane wheels does not exceed 3.3...3.4 years of operation, which is less than 4 years specified by the manufacturer.
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