A model for evaluating the correctness of the choice and efficiency of use according to the specified criterion of means of observation and control of objects of various purposes
model, information, efficiency, uncertainty, random variableAbstract
The informational approach to solving the problems of observation and control is not used until now. The theory of measurements is based on the concept of entropy of random variables as a measure of their uncertainty (a set of sets of their possible values). The greater the number of values that a discrete random variable can take, or the greater the range of a continuous random variable, the greater their entropy. The amount of information obtained during measurement, control, research corresponds to the reduction of entropy from the value that characterizes the uncertainty that remains after obtaining the result of measurement of some parameters of the objective, phenomena, etc. We are talking about the relationship between accuracy, energy consumption and speed of measuring equipment. The issue of determining the threshold of the maximum possible accuracy of measurements of actual values, as well as obtaining generalizing information-energy ratios, which allow optimizing the procedure for choosing the main quality indicators of measuring equipment (MT) are highlighted. At the same time, making an attempt to more accurately determine the value of a measurement quantity, at some stage we will inevitably encounter the fundamental impossibility of their further clarification, which is ultimately related to the physically possible degree of certainty (in contrast to entropy, which characterizes uncertainty, and which is called non-entropy) of any measurement value, which is determined either by its personal discreteness (for example, when measuring the number of atoms of any substance in a mixture, it is meaningless to talk about the accuracy of the count, which is equal to 0.1 or 0.01 atom) or by its thermal (molecular) fluctuations . This micro-scale uncertainty limit is known as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Rule. The article proposes a model of evaluation and effective use of observation and control of objects of various nature. An "informational approach" to solving the problems of choosing and using measuring equipment in the conditions of the transition from traditional metrological indicators to informational ones is proposed. Let's give an example of the choice of FTA and the number of measurements by this FTA.
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