
  • O.A. Lytvynov
  • M.O. Lytvynov




frame-based, software development, code-generator


The work is devoted to specific of frame-based approach application for information systems development. Three-layered generator provided to make the process of multi-layered infor-mation systems development more effective and robust. The results of its application in the context of building more flexible and robust, testable and maintainable software are also discussed.


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Vaughn Vernon. Implementing Domain-Driven Design. Addison-Wesley Profes-sional; 1st edition. 2013. 656 p.

Robert C. Martin. Clean Architecture. A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design. 2018. Pearson, 1st edition. 432 p.

Thomas Erl. Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design. Prentice Hall; 2016.

Martin C. Robert Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#. / C. Robert Mar-tin, Micah Martin // Prentice Hall. – 2006. – 768 p.

Beck K. Test-Driven Development By Example. / K. Beck – Addison-Wesley. – 2002. — 240 p.

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Mary Beth Chrissis. CMMI® for Development Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement, Addison-Wesley Professional; 3 edition (March 20, 2011). – 688 p.

M. Kardoš, and M. Drozdová, “Analytical method of CIM to PIM transformation in model driven architecture (MDA)”, JIOS, vol. 34, no. 1, (2010), pp. 89-99

A.Kriouile, T. Gadi, Y. Balouki, CIM to PIM Transformation: A criteria Based Evaluation, International Journal Computer Technology & Applications, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 616-625, 2013.

Литвинов О.А., Грузін Д.Л., Гурєєв П.П. Особливості автоматизації розробки функцій в багатошарових інформаційних системах. // Системні технології. Регіональний міжвузівський збірник наукових праць. – Випуск 1(102). – Дніпро, 2016. – С.- 36-41

Litvinov A.A. On a frame-based language used for software modelling. // System technologies. – N.1(108). – Dnipro, 2017. – 55-63 p.

Litvinov A., S. Trotsenko, D. Ponomarenko, A. Sazonova. On improving the pro-cess of multi-layered information system development. II Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція «ПЕРСПЕКТИВНІ НАПРЯМКИ СУЧАСНОЇ ЕЛЕКТРОНІКИ, ІНФОРМАЦІЙНИХ ТА КОМП'ЮТЕРНИХ СИСТЕМ» MEICS-2017.

Litvinov A. A., Gerasimov V. V., Kovalchuk D. S., Krokhin V. V. On basic princi-ples of minimum valuable information system development and preparation of pro-fessional software developers. System technologies. – N.1(120). – Dnipro, 2019. – 107-114 p."

