Research and development of the method design UX / UI design internet – platforms
Internet platform, UI/UX, interface, design methodsAbstract
The work is devoted to interface design using the developed methodology. The paper considers the issues of developing a methodology to improve the quality of development of online stores and speed up this process. The purpose of the work was to research and develop a methodology for designing UX / UI design of an Internet platform. As a result of the work, a study was made of the design process of the user interface of the Internet platform. A methodology for designing the interface of an online store has been developed, which helps to develop a product with high quality. The main approaches to designing user interfaces were considered, studies of existing UX research methods were carried out and the most popular of them were applied. A methodology for designing the interface of an online store was developed. To evaluate the effectiveness of the created methodology, the ranking method and the network analysis method were used. As a result of an experimental study of the proposed methodology, the values of the concordance coefficient were found, which indicate a sufficient degree of agreement of opinions. Also, based on the results obtained by the network analysis method, it can be concluded that the second design option is the most preferable (global priority = 0.612). An economic justification for the feasibility of this work has been carried out.
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