New material-saving technologies of pipe rolling on pilgrim units
In this work, based on the analysis of the process of hot pilger rolling of pipes of a wide range of sizes and grades from a round continuous cast billet, new and improved existing metal-saving technologies have been developed to reduce metal losses in the pilger head.
Using scientific and patent sources of information in the field of pilger rolling and its mathematical modeling with the calculation of tables for rolling pipes of a wide range of sizes from a round continuous-cast billet with a diameter of 385-470 mm, metal losses into technological scrap on a pilgerstan are determined: a seed and a pilger head.
On the basis of the results of the theoretical determination of metal losses in the process scrap on the pilgerstan: the seed and the pilger head, a forecast was made to reduce the weight of the pilger head, which was used to develop new material-saving technologies for pilger rolling of pipes, both thick-walled with D / S = 6 - 12.5, and thin-walled with D / S = 12.5 - 40. Metal losses in the pilger head are the main factor of increased metal consumption coefficients on pilger units, which reduces their competitiveness in comparison with other units when using round continuously cast billets as a starting material.
The forecast for the reduction of metal losses in the pilger head made for the first time makes it possible to estimate the reserves for reducing the mass of the pilger head both by eliminating the underflow of the liner and trimming of the pipe end adjacent to the pilger head, and by means of individual parts of its profile part and predicting its decrease to the minimum possible size, ensuring the removal of the pipe from the mandrel using a gate device.
To reduce the weight of the pilger head when rolling thick-walled pipes, it is recom-?ended to use improved technologies for butt-end rolling and rolling of the pilger head on the free section of the mandrel.
The results of the studies and the proposed new material-saving technologies can be used on pilgrim units when rolling thick-walled (D / S = 6 - 12.5) and thin-walled (D / S = 12.5 - 40) pipes of a wide range of brands (carbon, alloyed, highly alloyed and special) from both continuous casting machine and forged and centrifugally cast billets, as well as ingots.
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