SolidWorks як інноваційний засіб вивчення дисциплін автомобільного профілю


  • О.Yu. Rudyk
  • O.V. Dykha


Ключові слова:

автомобільний транспорт, інформаційні технології, SolidWorks, проектування, моделювання, методика


Розроблена методика, яка використовує SolidWorks як засіб навчання з технічних дисциплін автомобільного профілю: твердотільне 3D проектування й моделювання вузлів і деталей автомобільної техніки та пристосувань на перших курсах навчання (SolidWorks); міцнісні, стійкісні, втомні та інші інженерні розрахунки цих вузлів і деталей – на наступних (SolidWorks-додатки).


Borovyk L. V. Methodical implementation of CAD/CAE-systems in the professional training of engineer [Electronic resource] / L. V Borovyk, O. Yu. Rudуk, V. S. Bodnarovsky. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Ways of modernization of higher technical education in Ukraine [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, O. V. Havrylyuk. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. SolidWorks application in teaching subjects of technical (engineering) cycle [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, V. V. Gerasimchuk. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Optimization of studies of mechanical characteristics by means of information technologies [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, E. V. Kryvoruchko. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Research of durability of piston of adaptation for the cross compression of the bar [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, V. I. Kyrylchuk. – Access mode:

Borovyk O. V. Continuity of the educational process - the basis of quality vocational education [Electronic resource] / O. V. Borovyk, O. Yu. Rudyk, B. M. Zolyuk. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. The use of computers in scientific research [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, Yu. Yu. Vasyura. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Professional competence – the basis of the quality of training of qualified specialists [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, O. V. Korotkov. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. SolidWorks application for planning worm gearbox [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, V. M. Pendychuk. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Information technologies in teaching the course “Machine parts” [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, V. R. Stetsyuk. – Access mode:

SolidWorks center of the faculty of engineering mechanics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

Androshchuk М. V. Using of SolidWorks for prognostication of durability of materials [Electronic resource] / М. V. Androshchuk, O. V. Dykha, O. Yu. Rudyk. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. SolidWorks – CAD/CAE system of technical universities [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, P. V. Kaplun. - Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. SolidWorks Simulation application for сalculation of puller of pulley of generator [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, A. L. Staryi. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Software for calculations in SolidWorks Simulation [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, M. S. Ryabets. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Mathematical modeling and computational methods in static study of the support of the bushing puller [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, V. M. Kachur. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Computer design and simulation of bearing puller [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, S. M. Rogalsky. – Access mode:

Dykha O. V. Modeling of technological processes of road transport enterprises: methodical instructions for laboratory work for students of the field of preparation for road transport / O. V. Dykha, O. Yu. Rudyk // Khmelnitsky: KhNU, 2018. – 102 p.

Rudyk O. Yu. Information technologies in the calculation of car parts [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, P. S. Lysenko. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Application of information technologies in the calculation of a water-oil heat exchanger of the lubrication system of the diesel engine SMD-31 [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, O. V. Paratsi. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Investigation of the shaft of the drive front bridge of the UAZ-3741 car using SolidWorks and MathCAD [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, O. V. Alekseev. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Investigation of the durability of the MAZ 200 handbrake Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, V. B. Samsonovych. – Access mode:

Rudyk O. Yu. Investigation of the strength of cars parts by SolidWorks Simulation [Electronic resource] / O. Yu. Rudyk, G. V. Sadovskyi. – Access mode:

Dykha O. V. Information technologies in road transport: methodological instructions for laboratory work for students of specialty 274 "Motor transport" / O. V. Dykha, O. Yu. Rudyk // Khmelnitsky: KhNU, 2019. - 49 p.


