Modeling of dialogue scenario for the text borrowing detection system based on the coloured petri net


  • O. Kuropiatnyk



dialogue script, user interface, petri net


There are many software solutions for detecting text borrowings. In their development, special attention is paid to methods and algorithms for detecting borrowings, the characteristics of their work. However, technology and usability issues that are directly related to the user interface (UI) are also important. UI design consists of many stages, including the development of a dialogue scenario. The development and testing of a dialogue scenario avoids the difficulty of choosing operations, the state of the program without exit and the lack of necessary data in the already completed transi-tion to an operation. The dialogue scenario can be presented in verbal or formalized form: dialogue graph, automata, Petri nets, UML diagrams of precedents, activities and states. The aim of this paper is to interpret the components of the Petri net to model dialogue scenarios. The tasks are: to determine the essence and purpose of the components of the color Petri net in terms of the components of the dialogue scenario and the process of the program work; construction of a scenario model of dialogue and implementation user interface for the text borrowings detection system of on its basis. To model the scenario, a general coloured Petri net is defined. Its set of positions corre-sponds to the states of the program and is characterized by the set of values of input and output parameters and actions for their transformation. The set of transitions indicates the set of user actions in a certain state. The set of security conditions on transitions control the availability of data in the program to perform operations in a certain state. The rules of formation of these conditions are determined in the work. Chip types denote different sets of input and output data. This interpretation of the net was used to build a scenario model of the dialogue of the text borrowing detection system. Analysis of network properties showed its adequacy of the model to the object of modeling. The results of the implementation of the user interface according to the developed model are presented. The conclusions form the main advantages of using coloured Petri nets to model a dia-logue scenario.


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