The design and research of a system for monitoring the movements of goods and resources using blockchain


  • Vik. Hnatushenko
  • R. Sytnyk



blockchain, smart contract, supply chains, design, model, logistics, commodity circulation, Ethereum


Recent research and publications. A blockchain is a distributed data structure that is replicated and distributed among network members. The first blockchain specification was proposed together with the digital currency Bitcoin in 2008 by a man under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto to solve the problem of centralizing finances around banks. Today, block-chains are used mainly in the field of decentralized finance (DeFi) in the form of cryptocur-rencies and instruments to them. There are also a few specialized foreign studies on the use of blockchain in the monitoring of supplies, but these studies are more focused on the economic and logistical feasibility of using the blockchain in supply chains, without the exact models of information systems on which such a system should work. The aim of the study. Study of blockchain technology in information systems for moni-toring the movement of goods and resources, which can improve the processes of tracking and automation in supply chains. Main material of the study. The paper develops a prototype of the information system for monitoring the movements of goods in supply chains, which is working above the Ethereum virtual machine. The system is working using two smart-contracts and the paper describes the exact structure and specification of smart-contracts and principles of communication between them for the information system for monitoring the movements of goods. Conclusions. The article presents a prototype of an information system using blockchain technology and smart contracts which are working on the Ethereum network. Based on prototyping of the information system for monitoring the movements of goods, it was concluded that the transparency of the tracking and automation process in supply chains is improved. This work is useful for designing and creating more detailed and sophisticated systems for monitoring and managing the movement of goods and other supplies based on the use of Blockchain technology.


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