Monitoring and evalution activities of NPP operators in the preparation for the training facilities
оператор АЭС, тренажерный комплекс, «инициативная» и «запрещённая» комбинации, многоуровневый критерий контроля и оценкиAbstract
The most effective technical means of training operators of various kinds of professional activities are simulators. In recent years, simulators are increasingly used in industry, energy and other sectors of the economy, in particular, to train operators of nuclear power units, whose actions are characterized by the complexity of management tasks and greater responsibility for decisions. To provide the possibility of monitoring and evaluation of activities on training of NPP operators on training complexes. To do this, propose to present our work with a working model that reflects a consistent change in the current state of discrete controllers on the NPP console compared to the reference model of its activity. Based on this, propose to use a three-level structure of monitoring and evaluation criteria-"task-mode-parameter". According to the adopted structure, the lower level of the hierarchy is a criterion for assessing the activities of the operator by parameters, which in this case is the state of the controls in a separate mode. The method of evaluation and control of NPP operators ' activity during their training on training complexes based on the concepts of "initiative" and "forbidden" combinations introduced in the article in the transformation matrices characterizing the current activities of NPP operators is proposed.
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