Innovative approaches to improving the quality of teaching discipline "Computer methods of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics"


  • Olena Petrivna Morozenko
  • Nataliia Yuriivna Hrybanova



інноваційні методи навчання, мультимедійні засоби, графічні редактори, нарисна геометрія, інженерна графіка, кейс-метод


We consider the educational technology of graphic disciplines using innovative teaching methods that contribute to the informatization of education; conceptual basis for improving the quality of graphic training of young professionals with technical education; innovative methods of lecturing, conducting practical classes in graphic disciplines; applied computer programs and their practical application in the study of graphic disciplines We consider the educational technology of graphic disciplines using innovative teaching methods that contribute to the informatization of education; conceptual basis for improving the quality of graphic training of young professionals with technical education; innovative methods of lecturing, conducting practical classes in graphic disciplines; applied computer programs and their practical application in the study of graphic disciplines
Various approaches to teaching computer graphics in the course of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics are shown, and the chosen teaching method for the “Computer Sciencies and Information Technology” training area is substantiated. It is most efficient to organize the learning process in parallel, optimally connecting the manual and computer execution of the drawings.
The teaching of graphic disciplines using modern information technology significantly increases the quality of engineering education.


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