Computer simulation model of the technological process of realizing gas-dynamic pressure on the melt during self-sealing of the casting
unity engine, virtual foundryAbstract
The article is devoted to the development of a computer simulation model of the realiz-ing gas-dynamic pressure technological process on the melt during self-sealing of a casting. The process of developing a simulation model of this technological process is described on the example of a steel ingot.
Considerable attention is paid to the stage of evaluating the parameters of the technol-ogy implementation, which includes mathematical modeling of the steel ingot solidification process, analysis of temperature fields to determine the sealing time and the rate of controlled gas pressure supply during the solidification of the casting.
The information model of the gas-dynamic action technological process on the melt in a casting mold for a steel ingot is presented in the form of a table containing a description of the procedure for carrying out this technological process, the content of the stages and their duration. This information model contains the following stages: assessment of technology implementation parameters, pouring melt, gas supply device introduction, casting sealing, supply of regulated gas pressure during the solidification of the casting, pipeline removal.
The procedure for the implementation of the developed simulation model in the form of a computer model - a game "Virtual Foundry" application is described. A universal game pipeline is presented, implemented by means of graphical 3D modeling, taking into account the scenario of the player's interaction with the game environment. The interface of the Virtual Foundry graphic simulator, the game scene and 2D animation frames are presented.
The scientific novelty of the technological process of gas-dynamic influence developed information model on the melt in a casting mold, implemented by a computer simulation model in the form of a graphic simulator "Virtual Foundry" is noted.
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