Optimization of loading constructions belt conveyor devices
конвейерная лента, загрузочное устройство, оптимизация, критерий, износ, горная массаAbstract
The purpose of research: to improve the efficiency of belt conveyors by optimizing the service life of the conveyor belt for various designs of loading devices and their operating conditions.
The issues of optimizing the parameters of loading devices are described in detail in [1], in which the equations of the goal are given in terms of performance criteria, the strength of the interaction of the load with the belt, the loading angle of the load on the tape, geometric parameters and the limitations of the range of variable parameters. The solution to the problem of optimizing loading devices is performed by randomly searching for the best solutions, which allows determining the Poreto set at minimal cost. However, the studies performed do not take into account the structural reliability of the loading device and the chute wear under the action of bulk cargo.
This article discusses the multi-criteria task of optimizing the design of the loading devices of belt conveyors when loaded with bulk cargo. The solution of the task was carried out in two stages: optimization of the structural scheme according to the criteria of perfect construction of loading devices at the minimum cost of their manufacture and selection of the best options, taking into account the criterion - the difference between the speeds of the load the tape and projected onto its plane of movement at which the tape wear is minimal.It is established that the values of the coefficient of perfection of loading devices vary within 0,86-0,88, and the minimum service life of the chute, depending on the type of loading and the abrasiveness of bulk cargo ranges from 2000 to 12000 hours.
The multi-criteria problem of optimizing the design parameters of various types of loading devices has been solved, under which the economically viable service life of a conveyor and chute of loading device.
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