Design and analysis of the building plan according to fire safety standards
пожежна безпека, системи проєктування, аналіз зображеньAbstract
Hundreds of fires occur in residential and non-residential premises in Ukraine every day. Each of them to one degree or another damages the building itself, causes material damage, and poses a threat to human life. The consequences of a fire are often exacerbated by non-compliance with fire safety regulations, which could be avoided by following a few simple requirements. A fire can occur due to a large number of different circumstances that are impossible to predict, but you can prepare means to combat it.
The purpose of the work is to increase fire safety at the design stage of buildings. The proposed software application is designed to help those responsible for fire safety to check the basic parameters of the building and their compliance with fire safety standards on the basis of project documentation.
Because fire safety is a very important part of any infrastructure, many different applications have been developed to help people design, inspect buildings for fire safety, and simulate emergencies. all such programs can be divided into several groups by functional purpose: fire simulation; programs for creating a building plan; programs for architects. The main disadvantage of all existing programs is their price, which due to low competition in the market is quite high for the average person. Only FDS is completely free, but it is only a computing core that cannot function on its own, but will need to interact with paid modules.
The proposed development is an open-source program, so everyone will be able to use its functionality. On the plan of the house loaded or created directly in the program, the program identifies and identifies problem areas and provides explanations on the point of the rules and the reasons for its inconsistency. As a result of the program, the user can receive a report on the results of the analysis and a 2D model of the house, which can then be used in other programs.
The software application can be used both at the design stage of the building and at the commissioning stage.
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