The identification of mode of coal seam cutting by shearer's drum
ідентифікація, питомі енерговитрати, режим руйнування вугільного пласта, очисний комбайнAbstract
The relevance of this work theme is determined by the need to reduce the specific ener-gy consumption for the destruction of the coal seam by the shearer’s drum by automating the process of controlling the rotation speed of the drum, which allows to maintain an energy-efficient mode of coal cutting with cutters under conditions of changing of seam mining and geological properties. In the paper the information criterion for identifying the modes of de-struction of a coal seam by a drum through a statistical analysis of the active power of the cutting drive engine is described. Also, the regularities of change over time of this criterion for various operating conditions of the combine are investigated. On the basis of this, it is proposed to identify the modes of destruction of a coal seam by a drum by means of a transi-tion to the corresponding linguistic value using the theory of fuzzy logic. The terms of this linguistic value have been substantiated, and their membership functions have been deter-mined. Thus, a basis has been created for the further development of fuzzy automatic control system of the destruction mode of a coal seam by a shearer's drum.
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