Forecasting in the mathcad environment of the increasing complexity of the on-board equipment of space vehicles with insufficient radiation resistance of the elementary component base
прогнозування, надмірність, недостатня стійкість до радіації елементної компонентної базиAbstract
Economic reasons determine the growth of requirements for the terms of active operation of spacecraft. It is necessary to ensure their service life in the geostationary orbit ≥ 15 years, with the actually attainable ≤ 8. Provision of long periods of active functioning is limited by insufficient radiation resistance of the electronic component base. Using the example of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) constellation, which consists of 8 satellites, it is shown that the duration of operation of environmental monitoring devices under conditions of proton and electron irradiation is significantly lower than expected.
The main practically important task is the search for technological solutions to increase the duration of the operation of the onboard radio electronic equipment of spacecraft (BREA).
In the MathCAD environment, modeling and forecasting of the complication of the on-board radio-electronic equipment of space vehicles was carried out, which is associated with insufficient radiation resistance of the elementary component base. It is proposed to introduce effective technologies for increasing the radiation resistance of active npn IC structures based on silicon single crystals doped with germanium (CZ-Si <P, Ge>) into the technology of manufacturing on-board electronic equipment.
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