Search similar hydrological data series using correlation coefficients
коефіцієнти кореляції, схожі ряди даних, гідрологічний моніторинг, інформаційна технологіяAbstract
Water resources are an important part of the social and economic development of countries. A large number of hydrological studies are carried out using MS Excel, Statistica, Mathlab, Matcad and only a small number of studies for calculations partially used special-ized software solutions. An even smaller amount of research is carried out on the software implementation of computational schemes and algorithms in high-level programming lan-guages.
Therefore, the development of software for the analysis of hydrological data is relevant. The aim of this work is to develop, describe and implement a technology to search for similar hydrological posts on the series of data represented by certain samples.
The paper describes the developed software component for determining similar series of data represented by hydrological samples. The computational scheme is based on the determination of the geometric similarity of data series, and the correlation coefficients of Spearman and Pearson are chosen for the calculations. The analysis involves a step-by-step calculation of the scores used in the regression analysis, which allows controlling the progress of the analysis and interpreting the results. Among the selected scores are MAPE, R2, MSE and MAE.
The paper presents the results of a computational experiment conducted on water level samples in the period from 01.01.2000 to 31.12.2014 years, the data of the post wich located on the river Turia in the city of Kovel, Volyn region, were selected as the studied series. Ac-cording to the results of the analysis, three hydrological posts were found, the data of which have a strong correlation with the data of the studied post. However, the MAPE, R2, MSE and MAE scores show that only two of them can be considered sufficiently similar to the studied series.
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