Algorithms for energy efficient use of mine drainage plants using before the peak method
алгоритми, водовідлив, насосний агрегат, енергосистема, метод передпікового вмиканняAbstract
The article deals with the problem of using algorithms for controlling the pumping units of a coal mine while observing the method of peak switching in accordance with the load schedule of the power system. It is noted that a mine stepped drainage is a complex hydraulic complex, the pumps of which pump mine water from one horizon to another horizon and then to the surface of the mine. Electric drives for mine drainage units are one of the largest consumers of electricity in the mining and metallurgical complex. These parameters are among the most powerful and critical links of technological equipment, the operation of which determines the level of energy consumption and the safety of work in the extraction of minerals. The total capacity of pumping units is on average 20-30% of the total annual consumption of electrical energy of a mining enterprise and drainage units have a work schedule independent of the extraction technology during the day. Therefore, drainage pumping units can act as consumers-regulators in the power supply system of the enterprise, turning them on or off can reduce the declared capacity of the enterprise, as well as the unevenness of the load schedule of the power system.
The article describes the algorithms for automated control of the drainage pumping unit, taking into account the "peak" loads in the mine power supply system. These include: Forced On Time Algorithm With Subsequent Feed Control, Three Point Control Algorithm And Forced On Time Algorithm. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of algo-rithms for automated control of drainage, taking into account the periods of maximum load of the power system, it is reasonable that in the conditions of the mine named after M.I. Stashkov, a three-point control algorithm is appropriate, characterized by high accuracy and reliability of the organization of the drainage operation. It is shown that the proposed method allows you to distribute the pumping process during the day so that the resulting cash costs are minimal.
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Edinyie pravila bezopasnosti pri razrabotke rudnyih, nerudnyih i rossyipnyih mestorozhdeniy poleznyih iskopaemyih podzemnyim sposobom. Elektroniy resurs. Rezhim dostupu: