Modeling of texture of the surface of collector plates
моделювання, аналіз, під чистове обробка, колекторна пластина, абразивний частка, карбід кремніюAbstract
Technological possibilities of jet processing cause increased attention to the study of the regularities of the process. The main interest for practice is the establishment of the kind of dependencies between technological parameters (abrasive particles size, particle speed, concentration, compressed air pressure, attack angle, physical and mechanical properties of particles and surface to be treated) and initial process parameters (roughness of the treated surface, removal rates of the metal and libel). That, in turn, determines the necessity of optimal choice of the values of technological parameters in the conditions of a concrete production situation. The basic regularities can be established as a result of regression analysis of experimental data. However, the use of the resulting laws is limited to the complexity of the process and relatively narrow areas of changing the parameters of the experiment.
The purpose of the work is to determine the factors that determine the formation of a microrelief in the area of the abrasive air jet, the relationship between them and the degree of their effect on the intensity of the formation of a microrelief; formation of a model of finishing treatment of collector plates, creation of theoretical bases and methodology of designing high-efficient resource-saving technological processes of production of motor collectors of electric machines.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The following contributions were made to the development of the theory of modeling of the inkjet-abrasive surface treatment: Volovetsky O.E., Denysyuk V.Yu., Kharchik M.M., Buts BP, Andilahi A.A., Novikov FV, Gordeyev AI, Urbanyuk Ye.A., Silin R.S. and other.
The most universal approach based on determining the search dependencies and solving the problem of optimizing the technological parameters of the processing process as a result of statistical simulation, namely the ability to control the input parameters before the start of the model or in the process of work - one of the key benefits of using simulation modeling for the analysis of systems and processes. This allows you to determine the optimal parameters, which maximize the efficiency of the processes, determine the relationship between the input and output parameters.
The paper considers: creation of theoretical bases and methodology of designing high-efficiency resource-saving technological processes of production of motor collectors of electric machines; the process of formation of microrelief of collector plates in the area of the abrasive air jet, the relationship between the factors and the degree of their influence on the intensity of formation. The formation of a model of finishing treatment of collector plates treated with silicon carbide (black) was determined.
Prospects for further research are the improvement of the technological process of obtaining collector nodes on the possibilities of implementation.
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