Features of using neuroregulator to control thermal metallurgical processes
металургійні печі, управління нагрівачем, навчання нейромережіAbstract
Analysis of the state and trends of management development in metallurgy shows that further improvement of control systems (BC) based on the classical approach requires an increase in the adequacy of mathematical models of the process, which encounters difficulties that follow with the limited ability to know physical and mathematical processes and many random factors that affect their development. Under these conditions, intelligent control methods (fuzzy control, neuromanagement, the use of expert systems) allow solving a wide class of object management tasks and difficult-to-formalize mining and metallurgical production processes. A rational combination of different methods of intellectual management is quite effective.
As a result of studies carried out on models of thermal units of mining and metallurgical production, the possibility and efficiency of using fuzzy control for them was established, which ensures a further increase in the productivity of units and product quality.
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