Modeling the local contact influence of friction characteristics on the strength of charge materials
mathematical model, algorithm, strength, cubic samples, rocks of charge raw materialsAbstract
A mathematical model has been developed for the destruction of cubic rock samples in the presence of contact friction. The model corresponds to the available literature data, in particular, it takes into account the so-called. "Scale effect" and the effect of high sensitivity of the strength of samples to a change in the type of load - from uniaxial compression to compression with sliding. The main factors of the influence of external friction are the redistribution of normal stresses on the contact surface and the formation of transverse (horizontal) stresses inside the sample even under the action of only a longitudinal (vertical) external load.
A method, an algorithm and a program for calculating the maximum vertical stress at the tip of a developing crack, which is formed on the slip line, have been developed.
A method is proposed for calculating the ultimate strength of cubic samples of charge raw materials using three property indicators (material shear resistance limit, internal friction angle, contact friction coefficient), which by simple methods can be established experimentally in mining enterprises, where the calculation results can be quickly used for control disintegration processes.
This will allow in the future to optimize the technological parameters and designs of the existing crushing equipment to reduce energy consumption during disintegration in the mining and metallurgical industries.
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