Innovative approaches and information technologies to improve the quality of teaching graphic disciplines for students with hearing impairments in the specialties "Industrial engineering" and "Applied mechanics"
інноваційні методи навчання, мультимедійні засоби, графічні редактори, нарисна геометрія, інженерна графіка, моделювання, візуалізаціяAbstract
The article raises the problem of teaching hearing impaired and describes the experi-ence of the application of methodical system of student-oriented training to graphic disci-plines.
Ways to increase the efficiency of training for people with hearing impairments are considered, the importance of knowledge of graphic disciplines in the technical education for this category of students is shown, features of teaching engineering and graphic disciplines for students are analyzed.
We consider the educational technology of graphic disciplines using innovative teach-ing methods that contribute to the informatization of education for this category of students; conceptual basis for improving the quality of graphic training of young professionals with technical education; innovative methods of lecturing, conducting practical classes in graphic disciplines; applied computer programs and their practical application in the study of graphic disciplines.
Various approaches to teaching graphic disciplines for students with hearing impair-ments are shown, and the chosen teaching method training area is substantiated. It is most efficient to organize the learning process in parallel, optimally connecting the manual and computer execution of the drawings.
The use of information and communication technologies in special education opens up new perspectives for training, to optimize the process of learning by students ; stimulating the emergence of new learning technologies facilitates the communication process allows to realize their potential , promotes the expansion of social ties.
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