Ultrasonic non-destructive quality control of products made of polymeric composite materials rocket and space equipment


  • Svitlana Klymenko
  • Pavlo Kiselyov
  • Oleksii Kulyk




полімерні композитні матеріали (ПКМ), ультразвуковий контроль, ракетно-космічна техніка (РКТ), неруйнівний контроль (НК)


The development of modern rocket and space technology (RST) is characterized by constant improvement: increasing speed, range and altitude. Improving these characteristics, through modernization, has led to a significant complication of the design of RST and its equipment. Among the most promising materials for the manufacture of RST structures are more often used polymer composite materials (PCM), which are increasingly used in modern RST engineering, especially in cases where no other material meets the new requirements. Quality control of RST products depends on determining the condition of materials in these facilities, both in production and in operating conditions, which must be carried out both in the production process (with the deviation of production processes may form different types of structure heterogeneity: porosity, foreign inclusions, stratification and cracks) and during operation. In polymer composite materials RST, namely to detect defects such as delamination and cracks using ultrasonic non-destructive testing. An analysis of the use of traditional ultrasonic non-destructive testing using a portable ultrasonic flaw detector using high-frequency transducers. It has been determined that it is sufficient to use portable ultrasonic flaw detectors to detect longitudinal cracks or stratifications, but for more reliable detection and detection of defects, completeness of control should use automated ultrasonic control systems that have greater sensitivity and scanning speed. defective zones with the possibility of constructing a qualitative image of the defective zone for further assessment of the performance of the entire structure with PCM.


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