Simulation and optimization of interaction process parameters three enterprises in a single production system
оптимізація, моделювання, матричний метод динамічного програмування, процес взаємодії трьох підприємств в єдиній виробничій системіAbstract
The article presents a method of designing the process of interaction of three enterprises in a single production system. The matrix method of dynamic programming establishes calculation formulas for design parameters: the share of the flow of gross output, which is sent by enterprises for the development of their own production. The quadratic functional is accepted as a criterion of optimality, the physical meaning of which is the expenditure of funds to support the stable functioning of the process. In this case, the final product of the production system, sent to external consumption should be maximum. The software product is created and the optimum decision is received. Modeling in the modeling system of MVTP 3.7 of the process of interaction of three enterprises for three variants is performed. The option with optimal design parameters provides an increase in the production capacity of enterprises and corresponds to the area of rational values of the shares of intermediate products of enterprises, which is established by modeling.
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