Influence of technological process parameters on equipment dynamic factor
прокатний стан, моталка, коефіцієнт динамічності, момент сил пружностіAbstract
Technological equipment of the metallurgical industry operates in difficult conditions in terms of dynamic loads. On the other hand, special requirements are imposed on their mechanisms - they must be reliable in operation and allow easy regulation, and in the event of breakdowns, allow quick replacement or repair of units and parts, and at the same time must meet the conditions for the accuracy of reproduction of the given technological opera-tions.
In modern rolling shops, technological operations are carried out according to the continuous and continuous principles of creating new rolling equipment and the operation of complex machines requires the use of achievements in various fields of science and technology. Scissors, straightening machines, coilers, uncoilers, tilters, manipulators, pushers, conveyors are built into the flow technological working lines. And the performance of the technological line as a whole depends on the coordinated work of these mechanisms.
The issues of dynamic loads from the point of view of the interaction of the rolling stands of the continuous broadband mill 1680 have been considered rather thoroughly, while the effect of changing the technological modes of rolling on the equipment of the current line, in particular the coiler, is not covered.
In order to reduce equipment downtime due to emergency failures associated with an increase in dynamic loads from incorrectly selected technological modes, the task was set to analytically study the effect of a change in the rolling process on the dynamism coefficient using the example of roller coilers of rolling mills.
To analyze the forced vibrations arising in the drive of the reel drum of the mill 1680, a two-mass torsion system is considered, to which external moments are applied - the moment of the technological resistance of the working body, reduced to the motor shaft, and the nominal torque of the electric motor.
On the basis of the considered calculation scheme, a functional equation of motion was compiled through which the relationship between the change in the parameters of the technological process and the coefficient of dynamism was established.
The solution of the functional equation of motion makes it possible to establish the value of the moment of elastic forces as a function of time, which is used in calculating the dynamic coefficient, which in turn characterizes the dynamic loads on the nodes of technological equipment. Its preliminary calculation allows avoiding emergencies associated with equipment failure in case of incorrect selection of the technological process modes.
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