Jet grinding as a control object
керування, параметри процесу, збурення, замкнутий циклAbstract
The relevance of the subject of this work is determined by the need to reduce the energy consumption of fine grinding by controlling the process, which is proposed to implement based on the results of acoustic monitoring. The paper describes the operation of a jet mill in a closed cycle. It is known that fine grinding refers to energy-intensive production, but jet grinding is indispensable in obtaining thin and ultra-thin "pure" materials, i.e. materials without the introduction of any impurities. And with the creation of a new way to control the process, there is a real opportunity to reduce energy consumption by jet mills while maintaining optimal performance. Based on the process parameter analysis input and output disturbing and control process parameters are selected. In this way, jet grinding is presented as a control object. The problems of jet grinding and ways to solve them are shown. This became the basis for further construction of automatic process control based on the acoustic signals of the grinding zone.
Acoustic monitoring of jet grinding / N.S. Pryadko, K.V. Ternova; NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Technical Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine and SSA of Ukraine. — Kyiv : Akadem periodyka, 2020. — 192 p.
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