Modeling of the scheme of location of active raining equipment of the closed irrigation system
насосне обладнання, дощувальні установки, закрита зрошувальна система, схема підключення, визначення параметрівAbstract
The purpose of the study is to develop a procedure for determining the parameters of the layout of active sprinkler equipment in closed irrigation systems. This paper presents the importance of transforming agricultural production into a highly developed sector of the economy which is impossible without reducing its dependence on adverse climatic conditions. The introduction of modern computer-integrated technologies, including precision farming, due to the need for economic use of visible and energy resources, is considered. Closed irrigation systems with the use of reclamation equipment such as universal sprinklers have become widespread. The existing fleet of efficient sprinklers will consist of 64% of frigate sprinklers. The article considers a complex of sprinklers, which will consist of eight irrigation fields, the total number of sprinklers in the system is eight. The article discusses in detail the principle of operation of the presented closed irrigation system, namely the system of water supply pipelines to sprinklers, and equipment that controls the operation of this system, such as booster pumps, hydrants, transformers, valves, communication lines. The article considers the process of calculating the total number of options for connecting sprinklers. In the considered system 4 sprinkler installations which are connected and disconnected in pairs can be in work at the same time. Consider problems that arise in the system due to pressure jumps in the hydraulic system. Schematically, the options for placing active sprinkler equipment are presented. The possibility of specifying the structure of the connection scheme of active sprinkler equipment using a matrix is considered. The procedure of definition of parameters of the scheme of placement of the active sprinkler equipment is offered. Timely switching of modes of operation of the pumping equipment of ZSS, is possible in the presence of correctly working control system, the confirmed efficiency. The work must be based on the results of computer simulations.
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