Investigation of multi-channel systems of alternating control
There are ACS with a rather complex structure, which have several, to varying degrees of interconnection, control channels and one common executive or decisive element. Most often, these are ACS, in which switching occurs when certain conditions are met, called switching conditions or ACS, in which each channel is equipped with an actuator, but turning them on at the same time is impossible due to the mutual influence of channels or due to other reasons. That is, in these systems, the simultaneous formation of a control action in different channels is impossible. The choice of the channel is determined by the switching law, the type of which is determined by the problem being solved. The switching law can be: by the deviation of the controlled value; by time; combined (i.e. by deviation and time). Computer simulation of the system was performed in an interactive LabVIEW environment. A digital simulation model of MACS(multichannel alternating control system) and the results of its research are presented.
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