Simulation of wireless sensor network topologies
топологія, математична модель, бездротова передача, сенсорна мережа, енергомоніторинг, вузелAbstract
Among the main problems of research of wireless sensor networks are modeling and management of network topology in order to increase its connectivity, as well as routing with minimal time and energy costs. The wireless sensor networks topology is usually understood as a model that describes the structure of connections between elements within a network. However, the solution of these problems is impossible without taking into account the states of communication between nodes. The lack of an effective approach to estimating the different interaction of nodes leads to the fact that theoretical calculations on simplified models of wireless sensor networks topology do not coincide with the results of experimental studies of networks. The paper compares the possible topologies of wireless sensor networks with each other. The network topology modeling algorithm consists of the following main stages: calculation of distances between nodes; the radius determining the radio capture zone of the transmitter as a possible source of interference; signal power calculation; values calculation of the structural interaction signal coefficient and the set of interferences; calculation of the probability of bit error taking into account the statistical characteristics of the communication lines between nodes; formation of a network topology model, in particular the establishment of connections between nodes for which certain criteria are met. The results indicate that the tree network has higher throughput. In addition, fading degrades network performance and routing overhead. It is concluded that the performance of a network with a star topology is acceptable for small networks, while a mesh network is best suited for networks with a large number of mobile nodes. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the possibility of using the proposed approach to optimizing the topology of wireless sensor networks, as well as the developed software product when solving problems related to the design of the topology of wireless sensor networks.
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