Optimization of the technological route of blank surfaces using criterion of homogeneity of material structure
технологічний маршрут, життєвий цикл виробу, об’єктно-орієнтований технологічний процес, функціонально-орієнтований технологічний процес, технологічне успадковування, пошкоджуваність, заготовка, метод LM-твердості, гомогенність, коефіцієнт гомогенності ВейбуллаAbstract
The technological providing of the relationships between the resource of the mechanical engineering products and the characteristics of design and technological preparation of their Life Cycles is analyzed. The technique of selection of the surface treatment route of machine products is described for object-oriented technological processes using the criterion of design refinement. The set of initial characteristics of product quality to determine the limit parameter of the technological operation for its functional surface is determined. The problems to provide the performance characteristics at different levels of investigations during the development of object-oriented technological processes are argued. The goal of this research is development the technique of selection of the surfaces treatment route of machine products for technological processes planning. The expediency of developing of the functionally-oriented technologies from the position of technological inheritability of the machine parts properties is established. For modern technologies, production influences are topologically precisely oriented by means of the necessary parameters of products during their operational phase on functionally-oriented zones of product only. This is provided at the substages and stages of Life Cycles of Parts and Machines. The actuality of the study of the processes of damage accumulation and material degradation for the characteristic types of products destruction is argued. The expediency of a synergetic approach in the analysis of technical objects and technological systems is established. The LM-hardness method used to select a rational route for processing of the functional surfaces of the product have been considered. Technological support for the implementation of experimental researches is described. The results of experimental researches are analyzed. A rational variant of the route of processing a flat aluminum alloy blank is selected. Further research is related with using developed technique of selection of the surface treatment route of machine products for wider range of materials and adapting it for modern mechanical engineering industry.
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