Research on student performance with hearing problems
студенти з проблемами слуху, якість освіти, успішність навчання, реляційна база даних, MySQL, обробка інформації, аналіз даних, кореляціяAbstract
The aim of the work is to experimentally confirm the effectiveness and expediency of obtaining higher education by hearing problems students, to predict the indicators of the learning process.
Research of general indicators and student performance of the Regional Center for Education of Disabled People of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine was carried out. This is the only educational institution of the IV level of accreditation in Ukraine, where students with hearing problems receive education, so the work is relevant.
A study student performance of students with hearing problems in the specialty "Computer Science" was carried out. The collection and processing of information on teaching students with hearing problems for 2007-2018 was carried out. Designed and developed a relational database based on PHP and MySQL.
The study of academic performance was carried out taking into account the indicators of the quality of education, both separately for groups in each course, and for all groups in general.
The analysis student performance of the priority of disciplines is carried out. The unification of disciplines by 6 categories is proposed: languages, exact sciences, computer science, technical sciences, economic sciences, socio-political. It has been proven that all categories of disciplines are assimilated by hearing problems students, but humanities are easier to assimilate.
The results of student performance forecasting over time are presented. It is shown that during the research period during 2007-2018, the level of quality of education slightly decreased.
The analysis of the ability of students with hearing problems to successfully complete their studies and receive a bachelor's degree was carried out.
The effectiveness and expediency of obtaining higher education for students with hearing problems has been confirmed.
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