Features of the graphical interactive implementation game application for acquaintance with the technology of gas-dynamic impact on the melt in casting mold
3D, 3D модель, графіка, гра, екшен, литво, технологія, якість, виливок, розплав, газ, впливAbstract
The article is devoted to the development of an interactive graphical game application for acquaintance with the features of new foundry technologies based on controlled gas-dynamic effect on the melt in the mold during solidification. The peculiarities of the educational process in the preparation of specialists in the field of metallurgy, including foundry workers, presupposes the presence of a solid, not only theoretical and practical training, which is carried out within the framework of the foundry laboratory. Equipping a modern foundry laboratory requires significant investments in equipment and materials, in addition, some foundry technologies cannot be adapted to the educational space, this also applies to the technology of gas-dynamic influence on the melt in the mold. In addition, the use of a graphical interactive game simulator of the casting technology of gas-dynamic impact on the melt in a casting mold has undeniable prospects in the educational process, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the development of a graphical interactive game application to familiarize with the features of the new foundry technology is an urgent task.
The aim of the work is to improve the quality of training and retraining of engineering personnel by involving graphic interactive game applications in the educational process to familiarize themselves with the latest technologies.
The task of the work is to develop scenarios for the interaction of a graphical game environment with a player and to implement a graphical interactive game application that demonstrates the technology of gas-dynamic impact on the melt in a casting mold.
The work uses research methods based on a critical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, experimental studies of the technology of gas-dynamic impact on the melt in a casting mold, practical experience in using the game approach in teaching, the use of engineering graphics methods to create three-dimensional models of technical objects, system analysis methods for describing interaction of the graphical gaming environment with the player.
A literary review of the world practice of using graphical interactive game applications in the educational process, including those of higher educational institutions, is presented.
The theoretical aspects are described and the analysis of important technical and technological features of the implementation of the technology of gas-dynamic influence on the melt in the casting mold is carried out.
The procedure for developing a scenario for the interaction of a graphical game environment with a player and a graphical interactive game application for acquaintance with the technology of gas-dynamic influence on the melt in a casting mold is described, an analysis of the advantages of using the proposed technology in comparison with a full-scale experiment is carried out.
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