electrochemical buttery, lithium batteries, lead-acid storage cells, renewable energy sources, quality of electric energy, alkaline energy batteries, power supply networks of railway transport, traction and non-traction consumersAbstract
This paper focuses on the problem of analyzing expediency of using electrochemical storages in power supply systems for non-traction consumers of railways from renewable energy sources (RES). It is quite obvious that RES implementation in any national industry as a proper distributed energy source is too problematic if there is no possibility to accumulate it in good supply. The aim of this paper is to select the most appropriate electrochemical storage device for power systems for non-traction consumers of railways from RES. The methodology of research is based on modern methods of computational mathematics, statistics and information analysis using modern computer technology. Consequently, the analysis helps conclude that batteries are the most preferable for power lines. That especially concerns railway mains with RES use since the batteries have the best power characteristics.
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