Modeling sedimentation in the river system at the south regions
гідроенергетичний потенціал, акумулювання, моделювання режимів, завислі речовини, механічна ерозія, водний баланс, сировина, системаAbstract
At the end of the last century, mankind began to be confused about the reduction of the river surface and the reduction of the hydropower potential of the river system. Of course, lowering the level by 0,2-0,3 meter at 15 meters depth will not increase the risk of hydro-?ogical crisis. The trend of deteriorating river capacity over 10-20 years inspires scientists and municipalities to control factors and model sedimentation accumulation risks. Urban planning strategy is directly related to supply building materials. The transformation of chemical components of urban and industrial wastewater should be controlled, optimally using GPS sensors. Man-caused load on urban reservoirs should be controlled by BSC 5, BSC 20 and promptly sent for rehabilitation to local recreational reservoirs and agricultural plots for forced filtration. Studies of the kinetics of precipitation of suspended solids in the industrial stream were performed in recreational estuary. Measured flow depths instrumentally and the chemical composition of the settled sludge in the laboratory. The research indicate the possibility of using additional raw materials with subsequent evaporation and chemical enrichment. Measurements of the sedimentation duration of the sediment were performed in the field using a level gauge and laboratory scales fen 300, the deposition kinetics were recorded by a Fisher camera CRI 10 7GB.
The profile software product for hydrological data processing, operational risk modeling and formation of construction industry development strategy has been developed.
Accumulation and processing of local raw materials is extremely important to reduce the cost of construction services in the design of SMART city.
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