Scalable software system for internet user’s multimedia data steganographic protection
архітектура програмної системи, захист мультимедійних даних, стеганографіяAbstract
The universal object-oriented architecture for the programmatic system was designed for steganographic protection of multimedia data. The architecture is based on the usage of polymorphism in order to minimize the amount of work needed to scale and support the ste-ganographic system. All software implementations of steganographic methods of multimedia data protection have the same interface for use, which allows you to quickly add new ste-ganographic methods for embedding stegodata and for restoring confidential user data. However, the proposed universal architecture allows the replacement of one steganographic method to another while using the software product by replacing the pointers to the necessary objects of implementation of steganographic methods of multimedia data protection. Unified interface for working with implemented steganographic methods in the software system through a single object in the software product, which allows you to adapt the software application to supply input necessary for the correct operation of steganographic methods of multimedia data protection, not only through the main software window, but also through Internet services, mobile applications and other ways of providing input data for the usage of steganographic methods in other software environments. The key format (array of bytes) was unified for the possibility of using keys of different structures and types of data (number, text, file, image, etc.) in the universal architecture of the software system of steganographic protection of multimedia data of users. The usage of structural, concurrency and behavioral design templates in a universal architecture can minimize the development time of the programmer, facilitate the maintenance, scalability and optimization of the software system.
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