Modeling of a multi-layer composite material of a fuel tank flange from cfrp
углепластик, фланец топливного бака, микроструктурный анализ, технология изготовления ПКМAbstract
The article is devoted to the comparative assessment of computer modeling of the process of laying a multilayer composite material of complex shape. It also discusses a practical implementation using the example of a CFRP fuel tank flange. The analysis of the microstructural material of the fuel tank flange and the resulting multilayer structure is carried out. The level and dimensions of the filler packing are estimated while maintaining the flatness and mutual position of individual layers of a composite material of great thickness. Studies carried out on specimens cut from the assembly after failure have shown the nature and features of the failure of the flange material. A possible solution is proposed to eliminate such problems and to increase the deformability of the flange, which ensures joint operation with the supporting shell. An assessment of the results obtained is presented and conclusions on the work
are formulated.
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