Buck converter simulation and measurement
step down DC/DC converter, buck, vacuum evaporationAbstract
For thermal evaporation of metal in vacuum, was needed adjustable power source capable of delivering a sufficiently high current (usually 25-50 A) and a low voltage of 1-5 Volts. This source is needed to heat the boiling type evaporator of molybdenum or titanium, resistance of which can be from 0.05 - 0.5 Ohm.
To conduct research in the field of creating functional coatings, mentioned in [3,4], was required a mathematics model of buck converter. Without correct model is practically impossible to build adjustable power source for thermal evaporation of metal in vacuum.
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5. Horovits P. The Art of Electronics / P. Horowitz, W. Hill. - Moscow: Mir, 1995. – 154p.
6. Powell Vapor Deposition. The Electrochemical Society series / F. Carroll, H. Joseph, Oxley, J. M. Blocher // New York: Wiley, 1966— 158 p.
2. Mattox Handbook of Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) Processing: Film Formation, Adhesion, Surface Preparation and Contamination Control / Mattox, M. Donald // Westwood, N.J.: Noyes Publications, 1998 — 944p.
3. Mikhalev A.I. Modelirovaniye fraktalnykh struktur funktsionalnykh pokrytiy s uchetom skorosti napyleniya / Mikhalev A.I., Guda A.I., Zimoglyad A.YU. Kovtun V.V. //Vísnik KHNTU -2018.- №3(66) S.- 115-120
4. Zimoglyad A.YU. Yssledovanye zavysymosty koeffytsyenta trenyya metallycheskykh plenok ot fraktalnoy razmernosty / Zimoglyad A.YU., Guda A.Y., Kovtun V.V. Zhurba A.A. // Systemni tekhnolohiyi. Rehionalnyy mizhvuzivskyy zbirnyk naukovykh prats- 2018. - №2 (115) S.- 9 -13.
5. Horovits P. The Art of Electronics / P. Horowitz, W. Hill. - Moscow: Mir, 1995. – 154p.
6. Powell Vapor Deposition. The Electrochemical Society series / F. Carroll, H. Joseph, Oxley, J. M. Blocher // New York: Wiley, 1966— 158 p.