aeromagnetic deorbiting system, mobile control methods, spacecraft, magnetorquersAbstract
The search for optimal control algorithms for spacecrafts is one of the key areas in rocket and space technology. Taking into account certain restrictions and requirements in a specific space mission, the selection of certain executive devices of the spacecraft is carried out and the corresponding control law is synthesized. One of such space missions is the providing of angular motion stabilization of a utilized spacecraft with aeromagnetic deorbiting system. The stabilization of spacecraft angular motion is needed for the orientation of aerodynamic element perpendicular to the vector of atmosphere dynamic flux with the aim of increasing of aerodynamic braking force. In this mission, the main optimization criterion is the minimization of the on-board electrical energy consumption which is needed for the control of angular motion. The original construction of the aeromagnetic deorbiting system consists of aerodynamic flat sails element and executive control devices with permanent magnets. However, not all spacecraft can be equipped with additional executive control devices with permanent magnets. That’s why with the aim of expansion of aeromagnetic deorbiting system application, using extra source of electromagnetic control executive devices is proposed in this research.
The purpose of the article is the search of the control law which provides minimal consumption of electrical on-board energy by electromagnetic control executive devices during long-term deorbiting mission. For satisfying this criterion of optimization using of mobile control methods to orientate the spacecraft with aeromagnetic deorbiting system are proposed in this investigation. Computer modeling of orbital motion of spacecraft with aeromagnetic deorbiting system show the efficiency of using proposed mobile methods for angular motion control which realized by electromagnetic devices – magnetorquers. It has been showed that because of using mobile control method consumption of on-board electrical energy significantly less than with classical approach. The advantages and disadvantages have been determined.
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