Prospects for the use of integrated technologies of gas-dynamic impact on the melt in the mold


  • Vadim Selivyorstov
  • Tatjana Selivyorstova



комплексна технологія, форма, виливниця, розплав, вплив, виливок, злиток, інертний газ, продувка, вакуумування, газодинамічний тиск, герметизація, пристрій, розрахунок


Trends in expanding the range of steel ingots, instability and crushing of orders at existing foundries that do not have additional specialized equipment, high capital costs for global technical re-equipment, necessitate the search for new technological ways to obtain quality products. Therefore, more and more attention of scientists and practitioners is attracting questions related to improving existing and developing new processes to improve the quality of cast metal, reduce the cost of producing products, and increase the degree of environmental friendliness of production in general. One of such recognized ways to improve the quality of cast billets is the use of external physical effects on the liquid metal, and the metal that crystallizes directly in the mold.
The paper presents an analysis of scientific and technical information on the use of out-of-furnace processing processes and the use of gas pressure to improve the quality of cast metal of large castings or ingots. The prospects of using these effects for processing the melt directly in the mold is shown. The possibility of implementing a process of complex in-situ gas-dynamic impact on the melt of large castings and ingots, which consists of sequential inert gas blowing through a siphon sprue system, evacuation and subsequent gas-dynamic pressure in the solidification process using the appropriate devices. Specific options for their design and technological features of the work are determined.
A distinctive feature of the technology is that during the entire process from the onset of solidification, the metal is affected by the creation of an adjustable gas pressure in a sealed casting-gas injection system. The proposed device is structurally simple and can be easily integrated into an existing process without the need for significant capital costs.
The need for further research to develop a common methodology for determining the duration of the purge, and rational modes of intra-molten melt evacuation of the sealed casting system - a device for gas-dynamic effects.


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