Fractal studies of the Dnieper River


  • Tatyana Seliverstova
  • Anton Stanchyts
  • Georgij Stanchic



фрактали, RS-аналіз, DFA-метод, сток річки, фрактальний аналіз


The article deals with the research of fracture of the Dnieper river drainage in 1818-1872.
The Dnieper water resources have long been used for various purposes. The economic importance of the Dnieper water resources was especially increased when there was a threat of water scarcity and extensive measures were taken to use them comprehensively. The calculation of the long-term variability of the river water becomes an important link in planning the development of the country's productive forces. To solve the problem of water in the future, you need to rely on centuries-old information from the past.
In the past, the Dnieper rapids were a major obstacle to navigation on the Dnieper River, the crossing of which often ended tragically. Successful crossing over rapids required depth information on the shipping route in rapids. Such a hydrometer was installed on the Rocky Island, located in front of the rapids opposite the village of Pilot Kamenka (within the Dnipro River). On the cliff of the island the hydrometer was installed in such a way that the point zero coincides with the highest stones lying on the fairway of the Nenasitsky threshold (the largest threshold), and it allows to tell at once what level of water above the thresholds. The functioning of this post is conditionally related to 1656, but the data was only discovered from 1778
The Dnieper drainage data were recovered following the information on salt deposition in Saki Lake. Seasonal patterns are observed in these sediments: in the winter, light mules are deposited, and in the summer, darker ones, saturated with products of water and wind erosion, are deposited. Data for the period from 1818 to 1872 (Table 1) are considered, since since 1873 due to salt extraction, construction of additional canals, etc., the flow of water erosion products into the lake has clearly decreased. Also, hydrometric data from 1818 to 1872 were obtained, which were obtained from a water meter on the Rocky Island.
Two data sets are processed based on RS and DFA methods.


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