Using of fuzzy regulator to control the process of granulating of pellets
грануляція обкотишів, управління гранулятором, нечіткі моделіAbstract
Widespread way of producting crude granuls is use bowl granulators. The bowl is a part of such granulator that rotates with a certain speed. Specially prepared furnace charge rolls down an inclined surface of a bowl, forming lumps, granules. Furnace charge for production granuls consists of magnetite of a concentrate and bentonite binding additive (for gumboil granuls in furnace charge limestone is applied). Regulating the speed of rotation of a bowl, a corner of its inclination, intensity of a stream of furnace charge, intensity of its moistening it is possible to influence process of receiving crude granuls.
Process of formation crude granules is influenced by extent of concentrate crushing, the chemical composition of furnace charge and bentonite. Also functioning of the bowl granulator depends on how the area of a bowl is used. The mode when the lead of small fractions occurs in the top point of diameter is considered optimum. Such mode provides uses for granules formation process to the maximum area of a bowl. Increase in speed of rotation of a bowl causes growth of the centrifugal forces interfering rolling granules down. Therefore with increase in speed of rotation of a bowl increase a corner of its inclination to the horizon. The extreme value of a tilt angle of a bowl is defined by properties of material that shredded and the necessary granules size.
At the correct maintaining technology of process preservation of the size suitable to further granules processings at the constant level is necessary that demands regulation of process of receiving crude granules. The known models of process of granulation it is executed by methods of possibly static analysis that does not promote creation of the steady determined process model for needs to creation of a control system of the granulator.
The purpose of work is creation of indistinct model of process of granulation for use of model during creation of the regulator that carries out controls of the granulator.
As a result of researches it is established an opportunity and potential efficiency (especially regarding use of poorly formalized knowledge of skilled experts) indistinct algorithms at control of the granulator. Their use provides further increase in stability of granulator operation and quality of granules.
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