Statistical predictive model of the wearing of the oxygen converter lining
кислородный конвертер, стойкость футеровки, статическая модель, прогнозированиеAbstract
Methods for extending the life of the oxygen converters lining, such as gunning and slag blowing after melting, are considered. Based on a literature review, the effectiveness of such systems for monitoring the lining state as laser scanning systems and mechanical control are analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages are shown. Since gunning and slag blowing lead to an inevitable increase in the cost of steel, the aim of the work was to create a mathematical model to predict the lining wear at the end of smelting. Based on the forecast using a mathematical model in a production environment, we can conclude if it is necessary to carry out lining repair operations. To create a mathematical model, the factors that have the greatest influence on the lining wear were previously selected by the method of correlation analysis. Such factors included the carbon content in steel before tapping and its temperature, the consumption of fluorspar and lime for melting, and the silicon content in steelmaking iron. Using the method of multiple regression analysis, a mathematical model was determined in the form of a polynomial, which allows determining the lining wear at the end of each melt. Comparison of the actual data on the lining wear with the results of calculation using the model showed their high convergence, which confirms the adequacy of the obtained model. The application of the developed mathematical model for predicting the wear depth of the oxygen converter lining in a real metallurgical enterprise will allow timely carrying out repair measures and, accordingly, to increase the overall life of the refractory lining.
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