Method of amplitude modulation high-frequency corona discharge
коронний розряд, високочастотний коронний розряд, амплітудна модуляція, buck перетворювачAbstract
The corona discharge has been applied in various branches of science and technology. Corona can be used to generate charged surfaces, which is an effect used in electrostatic copying (photocopying). They can also be used to remove particulate matter from air streams by first charging the air, and then passing the charged stream through a comb of alternating polarity, to deposit the charged particles onto oppositely charged plates.
Corona is one of the phenomena connected with all energized electrical mechanisms, including high-voltage transmission lines. The localized electric field near a conductor can be reasonable concentrated to ionize air close to the conductors. So, it can result in a partial discharge of electrical energy called a corona discharge.
The condition for the appearance of this discharge reflects the physical mechanism of the reproduction of electrons in the area of the amplified field, where ionization occurs. The mechanism of electron multiplication depends on the polarity of the corona electrode. If it is a cathode, then the corona is called negative. Secondary process is emission from the cathode, also in a small region, stepwise ionization in the gas volume. If the corona electrode is an anode, then the corona is called positive. A remote large cathode, near which the field is weak, does not participate in reproduction, then secondary photoprocesses in the gas in the tip zone are responsible for the reproduction of electrons. In contrast to the smooth luminescence of the negative corona, there are filaments running away from the point in the positive corona. These threads are called streamers.
To study the phenomena that occur during a corona discharge, as well as to provide a high-frequency corona discharge and measure its physical properties, which are necessary for building models and a control system, a hardware complex was assembled.
The study considers the possibility of controlling the discharge in the range of sound frequencies using amplitude modulation.
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