Environmental energy efficiency at the rolling roller
екран, рольганг, піч, стан, тепловий режим, паливо, електроенергія, енергозбереженняAbstract
In the rolling industry, heating furnaces and reduction mills are the most energy-intensive units. Implementation of efficient modes during billets heating in a furnace and rolling them on the mill with a minimum of energy costs for compression determine the resource-saving technologies.
In this system, the "furnace" when using heat-shielding screens by varying the fuel consumption for heating and electricity for deformation of billets, it is possible to achieve lower energy consumption and obtain the necessary quality of rolled metal.
Calculations show that the installation of heat-saving screens can save heat (up to 60%) and increase the temperature of the end of the rolling by 50 C relative to deformation with cooling in the air with an initial temperature of 1000 C. The specific fuel consumption will be reduced by 30% and the specific consumption of electricity will be increased by 12%.
Redistribution of energy consumption and, as a consequence, reduction of energy consumption in rolling mill production is possible when installing heat-shielding screens over the rolling field. The use of screens allows to reduce heat losses in the environment and thus to keep the workpiece temperature. It is known to use heat-saving screens on rolling mills. Their use in lane rolling not only reduced heat loss from blanks, but also increased the number of higher quality products. In this work the possibilities of installation of heat-saving screens on rolling mills are considered.
When installing heat-shielding screens above the rolling field, it is possible to change the heating temperature of the workpieces in the furnace. On the screen roller shutter due to the reduction of heat loss deformation of the workpieces in the draft cages can be carried out at lower temperatures, while obtaining the temperature of the end of rolling, corresponding to technological requirements. Changing the workpiece temperature also affects the power consumption of the crimp actuators.
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