System of operational restoration of a fresh resource of city reservoirs
повторні води, акумулювання, кавітаційний генератор, завислі речовини, механічна ерозія, водний баланс, температура, системаAbstract
Urban ecosystems are made up of amazing interactions between living organisms and the abiotic environment, creating dynamic cycles of nutrients and energy. Human ability to displace and shape natural processes has improved, but the community continues to be dependent on ecosystem goods and services. The structure of ecosystem services clarifies the link between human well-being and ecosystem function. Ecosystem services are provided to the ecosystem to support the well-being of the community. Ecosystem service technology creates feedback that promotes both the ecosystem and the well-being of the community. In this context, it is clear that risks to natural resources such as soils and water have direct consequences for the community.
The research of replenishing the city's water balance is important, especially in the southern regions of Ukraine, where droughts disrupt the stability of processes and lead to social tension in the community.
Materials and methods of research. Hydrological studies and mathematical searches of such scientists as Prandtl D., Hosokava T., Ivasaki M., Ryabenko O.A., Tshai A.A., Epoyan S.M., Pantelyat G.S., Malko V.G., Kravchuk SM, Stolberg FZ, Karaghaur AS. Traditionally, hydrological measurements are conducted in natural conditions, and the authors propose the use of man-made flows to improve the energy efficiency of the water supply system.
Purpose and tasks. This work was performed in accordance with the requirements of reliability of water supply systems and ensuring the sustainability of economic development of cities. The requirements for ensuring the sustainability of freshwater development of the Integrated Water Resources Management program have been taken into account.
Research results. The structure of ecosystem services is a tool that can be used within the framework of strategic management of urban water supply and regulation of river basins. The tool helps regulators assess land uses and measures to reduce or prohibit man-made impact on community development. The ecosystem services approach does not involve monetary valuation, but by creating constraints, it extends the tools available to the regulator [11]. Discussing the consequences of man-made scenarios by different groups of experts and stakeholders may be sufficient to find compromises in different land use scenarios.
Investigating the risks of a reservoir imbalance is important for understanding the boundaries of the technological scheme and for identifying tools for stabilizing the city's basin. When released, the water undergoes local cavitation purification and, if necessary, chemical intervention to adjust the pH (industrial areas) (Table 1).
Conclusions. The paper classifies industrial and agricultural waste by the feasibility of restoration. The study of impregnation of different types of soils (from 1,11 to 0,05 cm/hour) was performed to feed the agrarian zones with conditioned re-water. The system of restoration of repeated waters which compensates to 32% of unbalance of a water basin is developed.
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