The detonation process use for increasing the energy characteristics of upper stage rocket engine constructed on an open circuit
ракетний двигун, детонація, дефлаграція, генераторний газAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the efficiency of turbine exhaust gas use in the upper rocket engines, which are built on an open circuit. The works over rocket engines, used detonation burning process in a chamber are conducted in the different countries foe a long time. The main reason for the search in this direction is the higher thermodynamic efficiency of detonation compared to deflagration. The prospect of withdrawal from the turbo-pump unit when using a simple displacement feed system is also attractive, as the detonation process can occur at relatively low pressure values of the fuel components.
The aim of paper is an assessment of efficiency added combustion of turbine exhaust gas in the additional combust chamber in different modes.
The variants of exhaust of the turbine generator gas into a separate nozzle, its afterburning in deflagration and detonation modes are considered. There have defined the basic parameters of the engine installations using these devices, in comparison with the existing engine variant. The increase in thrust and specific thrust from exhaust of generator gas for engine RD861K is determined. For this engine the thrust vector is controlled by rotating the combustion chamber on the cardan suspension, and the exhaust turbine gas is fed into the supersonic part of the nozzle. Since the temperature of this gas is much lower than the temperature of the combustion products from the main chamber, the nozzle at the injection site is loaded with less heat fluxes.
The increase from the afterburning of the generator turbine gas for two modes - deflagration and detonation is also determined. It is revealed that the exhaust of the generated generator gas through a separate nozzle causes significant losses of the specific thrust. The afterburning of the exhaust gas in the deflagration mode also lead to a loss of specific thrust, but less than in the previous version. This is due to the low pressure after the turbine, which does not allow efficient combustion of gas in the afterburner. The combustion of the exhaust gas produced on the turbine in a detonation mode has been found to increase the energy performance of the rocket engine built in an open circuit and increase the payload to be put into orbit.
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